A collaborative exhibition by DANIEL KING and JONATHAN STOCK
November 24 – December 4
OPENING NIGHT: Thursday November 24 – 6-8.30pm
SWEPT UNDER THE CARPET focuses on the men of power in Australian politics since federation and the consequential social impact of the politics of the day. Primarily looking at the relationship between black Indigenous and white Australian and how a state sponsored program of racism has evolved since 1901. By drawing on social change, political issues and various Australian icons, we aim to create a commentary on Australian life over the past 100 years to better understand where and who we are in 2011 (and where to from here).
From the Indigenous perspective, artist Daniel King aims to look at the direct impact that our Australian government has had on our Indigenous people at each prime minister’s term of office for e.g. forced expulsion, massacres, racist iconography. We hope to raise awareness of the history of Australia, the history our country is built on.
Through the white migrant perspective, prior to arriving in Australia from Britain there was no information regarding the fate of Indigenous peoples offered or given. Through living in Australia for the past 25 years and discovering the facts of white oppression, Artist Jonathan Stock will offer a Western / European response that addresses the irony of white Australian history.
Daniel and Jonathan have collaborated on each work to deliver a contemporary dialogue on Australian history that has been swept under the carpet.