By: Nicholas Currie
UN-SPORTS-MAN-LIKE both questions and celebrates masculinity, the body and sport culture and iconography. A collection of paintings created by movements used by the body in sporting and performance actions surrounded by an installation of figurative sculptures to coexisting in the space. In imposed hypermasculine spaces and activities the idea of the body is questioned constantly. Sport and performance give strength and sense of belonging to many people aligning with identity and how to represent yourself in a social space. The installation of the figurative sculptures follows a narrative of the figures attending a gallery show for a fellow teammate, the creation of the figures are named and based loosely of significant figures in the artists life.
Nicholas Currie
Nicholas Currie is an artist, performer, and writer. Currie's practice is autobiographical and introspective to his cultural identity as an mixed Indigenous and Anglo Saxon Australian man in contemporary society. Currie's work are large nonfigurative works based on gestural movements of the body used in dance, manual labour, and sport. Currie's figurative work in sculpture and painting is a mixture of masculine family imagery and still lives with the visual language in his paintings having elements of storytelling as well as invoking conversations surrounding self-identification.